Patterico's Pontifications


Hypocrites: Feminists Slut Shame Holly O’Donnell To Protect Sexual Freedom

Filed under: General — Dana @ 4:03 pm

[guest post by Dana]

Holly O’Donnell, former procurement technician for StemExpress, who has described the barbarism taking place against both fetal and fully intact babies in the Planned Parenthood videos, found herself slut shamed this week at the amusingly self-described “Reproductive and Sexual Health and Justice” website, RH Reality Check. Because if there is something that intolerant feminists will not tolerate, it is a woman exposing the dirty little secrets of baby butchery taking place inside the hallowed temple that is Planned Parenthood. You know, that place which is euphemistically referred to as being all about “women’s health care”.

In a manipulative and desperate attempt to shift the focus away from the grim reality of the extraction and sale of baby parts and to show O’Donnell as a hypocrite because “she has and wants to enjoy sexual freedom and autonomy all while seeking to deny this right to others,” writer Sharona Coutts dug through O’Donnell’s alleged OKCupid profile and elsewhere, and made public her varied sexual proclivities. And presto, instant proof that O’Donnell is only about sexual freedom for herself while working to keep others from having it!

Of course, being revolted by what O’Donnell revealed in the videos hasn’t got a damn thing to do with sexual freedoms or any attempt to deny them. Rather it has to do with a functioning moral compass that is capable of recognizing and reacting to monstrous evil. And it has to do with recognizing the value of life – all life. It’s such a painfully obvious manipulation by RH Reality Check, that it’s embarrassing to even point it out. But it also begs the troubling question, why are these people so incapable of recognizing the monstrous evil they desperately defend?

Anyway, the effort to shame O’Donnell backfired because of fierce criticism and disapproval by some RH Reality Check staff members, abortion supporters, and of course, pro-life supporters. As a result, the post was taken down. However, there remains a cached version of the post. (I am opting not to link to it.)

Yesterday, RH Reality Check’s editor in chief, Jodi Jacobson, “apologized” to readers. However, demonstrating not only a lack of professionalism and honesty, Jacobson showed that her “apology” was simply a bone being thrown to her critics, without directly admitting her editorial hypocrisy. And evidencing a callous disregard and complete lack of concern for any damage done by the published story, Holly O’Donnell, the one person who deserved a direct apology from Jacobson, did not merit one. Instead, Jacobson chose to shamelessly use her “apology” platform to denigrate with lies those who support life and push her propaganda. People like Jacobson are so boringly predictable:

As with everything we publish, I am responsible for the final product and therefore both for explaining the rationale behind what we do when sincere questions are raised as well as admitting when we’ve made errors. I therefore take full responsibility for what was an ill-considered decision to publish this article. I apologize unequivocally for the publication of the article in the first place and the unintentional though understandable assertion that it was meant to shame people for sex.

RHRC is devoted to evidence-based reporting on sexual and reproductive health and justice. One part of our mandate is to influence other media reporting on these issues for the sake of accuracy and to fight against the false equivalencies around sex, sexuality, and reproduction represented in so much of media today. Another part of our mandate is to fight back against false narratives perpetuated by the anti-choice movement. These and our other goals mean we are making decisions, often quick ones, about how and what to report with integrity.

The far right, of which the anti-choice movement is a central part, focuses on shaming people who engage in sex for pleasure, for managing their fertility, or for loving whom they love. The obsessive focus of the right on eliminating access to birth control and abortion is but one part of this agenda.

We believed answers to the question, “Who is Holly O’Donnell,” were germane to the political debate in which she has placed herself front and center, and from which she has never sought to recuse herself in the weeks since the videos including her came out.

That said, our piece clearly crossed a line by providing far too much information about her personal life, which in turn made it seem like we were engaging in the same practice of shaming someone for sex we decry on the right.

This is such unadulterated slop, it deserves to be ignored. However, how can one ignore a feminist trotting out the old “She wore a short skirt and deserved to be raped” explanation for slut shaming another woman? Freaking heck, what’s next? The baby chose to slide out of his mother’s body onto the table, so he was just asking to be cut up and have his organs removed even while his heart was still beating?? Is this the season of madness we find ourselves in? Yes, I would certainly say a line was crossed. A big, ugly putrid line of outright hypocrisy and deceit. And there is no coming back from it. You can say all you want, Ms. Jacobson, but you have completely discredited yourself and your fellow anti-lifers with this bullshit you peddle like gospel.

Further, Jodi, it didn’t make it seem like you you were engaging in the same practice of shaming someone for sex like you accuse the right of doing, it is precisely what you willfully and intentionally did. It’s out there. F-o-r-e-v-e-r. You knew it before you decided to publish the story, when you published the story, and you know it now. Because Holly O’Donnell, SHUT THE HELL UP.

I never want to hear another damn feminist claim to be for women and to protect their rights and causes or any other such bullshit. Because the truth is, as it has always has been, that it’s only about a select group of women who pass that one litmus test that determines their worth to the group. And woe to any woman who doesn’t hold to the feminist lie and dares to expose the “cause” for what for it really is. That Jacobson and Coutts conveniently ignore the courage it took for O’Donnell to put herself in the public eye and expose her identity in order to expose what is taking place behind the notorious doors of Planned Parenthood shows us all we need to see about the feminists at RH Reality Check. And it’s nothing to admire.

O’Donnell’s private life is just that, private. I admire her courage for knowing full well the risk involved in being interviewed by CMP and yet still daring to look straight into the camera to speak the unspeakable. That such bravery is condemned by feminists makes it all the more bitterly ironic and telling.


242 Responses to “Hypocrites: Feminists Slut Shame Holly O’Donnell To Protect Sexual Freedom”

  1. Hello.

    Dana (86e864)

  2. this is exactly the kind of chilling effect what makes me very reluctant to come forward with all my planned parenthood stories i made up

    happyfeet (831175)

  3. Happyfeet,

    If she made them up and they’re not true, why bother to dox her and expose her sexual preferences? If she’s nothing but a lliar, why waste the time?

    Dana (86e864)

  4. happyfascist is slowly ruining this site with its constant inanities.

    Gazzer (feaf20)

  5. Eh… Doxx..2 x’s

    Dana (86e864)

  6. To the left, the ends justify the means.

    AZ Bob (34bb80)

  7. i don’t understand the question

    those are independent variables

    if she’s a liar then she’s not telling the truth

    if people dox her with two x’s then they need to understand that they’ve opened themselves up to the exact same treatment in response, and when they understand that then they will understand that doxing her was a very bad thing to do

    happyfeet (831175)

  8. Liberal logic.

    Per “RH Reality Check,” if you are against PP cannibalizing babies for parts for fun and profit, you are against enjoying sex.

    They are nearly as good at playing deliberately obtuse and not getting the point as happyfascist.

    Which is why I suspect he writes for RH Reality Check.

    Steve57 (5a07a9)

  9. i never even heard of that site in my whole life Mr. 57

    happyfeet (831175)

  10. happy’s not so happy War on Woman continuezzzzzzzzz

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  11. Happyfeet – can you point to even one instance of her being untrue? No. Not you can’t. You are just trying to truth-shame her, because you know the truth makes people, at best, uncomfortable.

    JD (3b5483)

  12. There’s a Reason™ article which seems Reason™able, meaning that it’s full of half truths which support Nick Gillespie’s narrative, that gives more details about what Holly O’Donnell likes than most people can stomach. Or maybe it’s the Reason™able way Gillespie presents them. I won’t link it, either. Kind of disappointing if you thought Planned Parenthood only hired nuns.

    nk (dbc370)

  13. i’m just very skeptical of what she says Mr. Colonel there’s absolutely not a shred of proof she’s telling the truth and the people what are putting out these videos, I think they have their own agenda which makes me think they’re biased against Planned Parenthood

    happyfeet (831175)

  14. it’s been well established that pikachu has little respect for women, conservative women, particularly,

    narciso (ee1f88)

  15. Mr. JD there’s not a shred of proof that what she says is true

    what we know is that absolutely everything she says is 110% supportive of the narrative the lifeydoodles are trying to shop

    that’s inherently suspicious

    happyfeet (831175)

  16. What a diseased mind HF has. It is disgusting to no end.

    John Hitchcock (4406f7)

  17. And it seems to be getting worse. It fouls up every thread.

    Gazzer (feaf20)

  18. What a diseased mind HF has. It is disgusting to no end.

    that’s not true Mr. Hitchcock you’re only saying that to be mean

    it’s silly to get all upset just cause some people (like me for example) don’t agree to accept everything someone like holly says like it’s gospel truth

    it’s completely evident that Holly and her CMP friends have an agenda – I don;t think anyone would dispute that

    and the fact remains that Holly has no proof

    but to distract from that you say mean things about pikachus what are only demonstrating a healthy skepticism

    I’m disappointed in you and also Mr. Gazzer

    happyfeet (831175)

  19. I *don’t* think anyone would dispute that I mean

    happyfeet (831175)

  20. We’re in good company. You’re also disappointed in the One who will be your Ultimate and Final Judge and Prosecutor.

    John Hitchcock (4406f7)

  21. Happyfeet – can you point to even one instance of her being untrue?

    the part what got me suspicious the most Mr. JD was where she says she had no idea that her job procuring fetal tissue would involve procuring fetal tissue

    i just find that very hard to believe

    happyfeet (831175)

  22. The people living in Baden-Baden didn’t believe what was going on, either.

    John Hitchcock (4406f7)

  23. Feminists and indiscriminate killing, torture, and trafficking are now forever joined at the hip. This may be an opportune time for them to retreat and repent for their crimes against society and humanity. Pro-choice is a degenerate religious/moral doctrine.

    n.n (b378dc)

  24. Pro-choice is a degenerate doctrine, but it would be a stretch to describe it as religious/moral. Pro-choice is rather an a-religious/amoral, opportunistic, secular doctrine that is notable for its success to obscure civil and human rights issues and consequences.

    n.n (b378dc)

  25. she says she had no idea that her job procuring fetal tissue would involve procuring fetal tissue

    Perhaps she simply wasn’t told. Perhaps knowing how gruesome a practice it is, the employer waits before throwing that in the mix. Perhaps they wait and see how willing an employee might appear, or how malleable.

    Why do you give those committing crimes against innocent babies the benefit of the doubt over a clearly traumatized individual?

    Dana (86e864)

  26. Because if HF has to face the Truth, it’ll destroy his agenda and worldview.

    John Hitchcock (4406f7)

  27. I shall wear your disappointment as a badge of pride.

    Gazzer (feaf20)

  28. How does Holly O’Donnell benefit by lying, happyfeet? Is she getting gobs of money, fame, popularity from her falsehoods? No, she has has had her sex life exposed, as well as other intimate details of her life that are nobody’s business but her own. That is not what I would consider a benefit in any way, shape or form. And she’s had this done by the very people screaming “we have a right to choose”. Does the utter hypocrisy and dishonesty not give you cause to suspect them in other areas and claims as well? Because that would indeed be the logical response.

    Now, let’s look at how the RH Reality Check supporters of PP benefit from calling her a liar. Oops. They didn’t do that. And why not? They have not denied any of the specific claims she has made. Yet, if she lied, why wouldn’t they call her out on it asap given that it would deflate the increasing outrage of PP? Why not take the shortest route to clearing one’s name and reputation? Why wouldn’t they just emblazon that on their headlines? Because they can’t. Because she is telling the truth.

    So, knowing that, they are desperately scrambling to get the focus on slutty, slutty Holly instead of the butchering of babies. So desperate are they that they actively worked to find out what sort of sex she likes. What they did was to make up an excuse for her comments in order to justify their slut shaming of her. And why would they need or want to do that, happyfeet?

    Because she is telling the truth, happyfeet. And you know it.

    Dana (86e864)

  29. ok i’m still back on #25

    Why do you give those committing crimes against innocent babies the benefit of the doubt over a clearly traumatized individual?

    this is a loaded question

    Perhaps she simply wasn’t told.

    Perhaps. But does it really seem wise to send someone off to Planned Parenthood without any warning about what they’d be doing?

    Just on the face of it I mean.

    I think it’s unlikely that this would be considered a best practice, and the idea that it might be is contradicted by the stemexpress ceo’s admission that she understands that a lot of lab techs, particularly at academic labs, get freaked out by fetal tissue research.

    The ceo seems very aware in the video that fetal tissue research isn’t something you want to just spring on someone.

    happyfeet (831175)

  30. #28 is mostly just a rant that’s not really related to what I’m arguing here Dana

    first I think Holly’s testimony, unsupported as it is by evidence, and wholly supportive of a narrative, calls for a skeptical reception.

    second I think it was wrong mean and distracting to dig up Holly’s sex stuff.

    all this other stuff is your argument with this doxxing website not with me

    happyfeet (831175)

  31. happyfascist, whether supported or not do you think Holly O’
    Donnell’s testimony has anything to do with enjoying sex?

    Because that is the logic, if you can call it that, of RH Reality Check.

    Since Holly O’Donnell is criticizing something that PP is doing, Holly O’Donnell’s sex life is fair game.

    Steve57 (5a07a9)

  32. do you think Holly O’Donnell’s testimony has anything to do with enjoying sex?

    no i do not Mr. 57

    happyfeet (831175)

  33. Holly O’Donnell has tapped into the same wellspring of totalitarian-think that compels me to call happyfeet happyfascist.

    I’m not recommending anyone run their personal lives this way, and it isn’t any of my business unless someone demands I bake a cake or devise a floral arrangement to commemorate it, but no that Holly has been outed for being against infanticide, she had to worry her next dominatrix or whatever will bite her clitoris off “for the cause.”

    And I just don’t think that’s fair. You should be able to be a submissive or even dominant lesbian, be against infanticide, and still keep your clitoris under any and all circumstances.

    But that’s just fascist me.

    Steve57 (5a07a9)

  34. 32. do you think Holly O’Donnell’s testimony has anything to do with enjoying sex?

    no i do not Mr. 57

    happyfeet (831175) — 8/22/2015 @ 6:03 pm

    This is good to know.

    Also you should know that I have been refuse service by lesbian bar owners for the obvious fact I am not a lesbian.

    I’m a guy.

    When it’s lesbian night at the bar, I’m not getting in.

    I’m not bringing it up to b***h about it. But I am curious how all of a sudden Christians don’t have the same right to refuse service to anyone for any reason as lesbians?

    Steve57 (5a07a9)

  35. I have no interest in lesbians, by the way.

    I am interested in bars, on the other hand.

    There’s a difference.

    Steve57 (5a07a9)

  36. I want to be a lesbian baker in my next life.

    mg (31009b)

  37. But I am curious how all of a sudden Christians don’t have the same right to refuse service to anyone for any reason as lesbians?
    But I would contend the lesbian bar owners did not have the right to refuse you. I assume you were wearing shirts and shoes. Or the bar was rented out to a private group.
    You just did not think a protest or legal followup was worth it.

    Which raises the image of someone being turned away by the lesbian bar owners, and suing them for sexual/gender rekated discrimination.

    kishnevi (91d5c6)

  38. was not rented out
    gender related

    kishnevi (91d5c6)

  39. RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”

    Everybody should have a healthy dose of skepticism of what a strange woman tells him — especially about other women. But like Dana said, there’s nothing to impeach Holly’s testimony except ” Ooh, bad, bad girl”.

    nk (dbc370)

  40. kishnevi,

    21st Amendment. Alcohol is subject to local rules which override even the First Amendment . Bars can have “ladies nights” if the local liquor control laws allow them.

    nk (dbc370)

  41. 4) Cate Dyer laughs and jokes about researchers being squeamish about receiving baby parts in the mail:

    I would suggest her ridicule is justified at that point. Researchers benefiting from abortis but trying to ignore just what they are dealing with. StemExpress is after all just a briker. It would be interesting to see their client list.

    Also note that PP accounts for only half her business. The rest are independents.

    kishnevi (91d5c6)

  42. kishnevi, the bar was rented out to a private group. But any female member of the public could gain admission for a five dollar cover charge.

    I was willing to pay the cover charge. The bar tender was friend from college, my ship was leaving the next morning, I just wanted to touch base with the guy before leaving port.

    As for not thinking the follow up was worth it, there’s a list of things I never followed up on for the simple reason I was forced out of the country, and when I got back I had a whole ‘nother list to deal with before I got around to the grudges from last time.

    And then, whoops, off again!

    I signed the contract, don’t get me wrong, but by the terms of the contract my coming and goings were not mine to choose.

    The point isn’t that I was discriminated against. I’ve been discriminated against a lot as a sailor in foreign ports. So what? I learned a greater respect for private property. It is this man’s steak house, and he doesn’t have to let me in and if he doesn’t want to he doesn’t have to. And if he doesn’t want to, I’ll go down the road.

    We are the odd balls here with our laws declaring private property public utilities.

    Steve57 (5a07a9)

  43. nk. An establishment serving the public refuses to serve someone solely because of his sex/gender. Local liquor laws do not change that.

    kishnevi (93670d)

  44. Plus, PP have not even attempted to deny it. They just say it was heavily edited, a lie, rely on the media to suppress the news. Which they duly did. The PP employees are clearly stating what they do. There is no gray area. They are self-incriminating.

    Gazzer (feaf20)

  45. abortis=abortion

    kishnevi (294553)

  46. I’ve never been a big opponent of so-called “free choice,” deeming the issue analogous to the right what the issue of integrating public schools with massive, mandatory busing programs was to the left (or certainly liberal judges). IOW, using the force of the public sector via edicts or judicial rulings to deal with complicated social-cultural matters is bound to ultimately fail. But I never realized just how cruel and, yes, ruthless the “pro-choice” activists could be in enforcing abortion rights.

    Until not too long ago I imagined (or stereotyped in my mind) the notorious Margaret Sanger as being a very amoral, ideologically chameleon-type of person, neither truly liberal or conservative, perhaps from a small American town, maybe from the midwest or southeast and exposed to lots of small-town bigotry (ie, her using the Klu Klux Klan to help promote abortion rights). Oops, my bad. I didn’t realize she was very much a classical New York City-based leftist, through and through.

    The Sanger mindset, in all its detestable glory, is becoming increasingly evident in this era of Obama’s America. It’s now gotten to the point where, no, the label of “pro-choice” really doesn’t fit. It’s now needs to be the label of “pro-abortion.”

    Mark (e187ae)

  47. Happyfeet,

    Given that you have called O’Donnell a liar, I think my comment at 28 not only relates to your argument here but is also relevant.

    You may want, for convenience sake, label it a rant, but humor me and answer the question: How does O’Donnell benefit from lying about this?

    Dana (86e864)

  48. The Illinois case is not on all fours — it dealt with ladies nights discounts not exclusion of men — but I think it important that it was decided under the Illinois Dram Shop Act and not the human rights statutes. Do you think dormant Commerce Clause would override the 21st and allow application of the Federal Civil Rights Act?

    nk (dbc370)

  49. i do think she’s a liar

    i have no idea what she’s getting out of this I think that’s a very good question

    happyfeet (831175)

  50. 44. nk. An establishment serving the public refuses to serve someone solely because of his sex/gender. Local liquor laws do not change that.

    kishnevi (93670d) — 8/22/2015 @ 6:52 pm

    I actually had no problem with this. Private property is private property. If the lesbians didn’t want to serve me, oh well.

    It’s the selective enforcement of the rule that makes my blood boil. A SF cop, in uniform, sitting outside the place, is the not so subtle enforcer of the rule that I can’t go in because the lesbians might take offense, meanwhile the fact that some gay couples might have to go to another bakery to get a customized wedding cake necessitates a $134k fine?

    Either it is, or it isn’t.

    But on the other hand I don’t believe in bisexuality either. Which is kind of like a rose wine, which I also don’t believe in.

    Steve57 (5a07a9)

  51. i do think she’s a liar

    i have no idea what she’s getting out of this I think that’s a very good question

    happyfeet (831175) — 8/22/2015 @ 7:07 pm

    Maybe the harsh truth.

    But go ahead and cry and stick your fingers in your ears, happyfascist.

    Steve57 (5a07a9)

  52. i do think she’s a liar

    i have no idea what she’s getting out of this I think that’s a very good question

    happyfeet (831175) — 8/22/2015 @ 7:07 pm

    What makes you think she’s a liar? I’m not expecting an answer that makes any logical sense whatsoever but I just like to see what kind of creative answers you can come up with.

    Gerald A (066391)

  53. i already answered that Mr. Gazzer

    happyfeet (831175)

  54. So, happyfeet, if O’Donnell is a liar and benefitting somehow from telling falsehoods, why hasn’t PP called her out on this to prevent further damage to their reputation and risk to their funding?

    Dana (86e864)

  55. Mark…although Sanger herself was against abortion.

    In Sanger’s opinion, abortion was an evil practice that would become obsolete once birth control was practiced and understood by women and families throughout the world. In 1932, Sanger wrote: “Although abortion may be resorted to in order to save the life of the mother, the practice of it merely for limitation of offspring is dangerous and vicious.” Although she strongly condemned the practice, she felt even more strongly that “it is a woman’s duty and right to have for herself the right to say when she shall and shall not have children.”

    Apparently, she thought preconception birth control was a way to reduce abortion.
    Of course, she may have said that for public consumption, and thought differently in private.
    And her target was not blacks. It was poor people in general, especially immigrants. That flyer shown at the link is in Yiddish and Italian as well as English.

    kishnevi (93670d)

  56. What makes him think she is lying is that he prefers his Narrative as loosed to the hours of footage that has proven her points to be unassailably true.

    JD (34f761)

  57. I like it when Dana gets mad.

    JD (34f761)

  58. More Sanger quotes, including a fuller version of the above
    If nothing else, useful to use in discussions about PP.

    kishnevi (91d5c6)

  59. Remember when O’Keefe had an audio where he called up Planned Parenthood, said he wanted to make a donation but the money had to be used to abort only black babies, and the PP lady said “God bless you”? He thought he was being racist; she thought he was being kind to black women who did not want “to be punished with a child”. We see what we want to see; we hear what we want to hear.

    nk (dbc370)

  60. Nk – either way is kind of noxious,no?

    JD (34f761)

  61. i like rosé for certain sangrias especially this one what i hope to do one more time this summer though it’s starting to seem unlikely

    this one goes really well with this neat spicy carrot dip recipe i found

    this is the harissa i use i freeze the leftover stuff for next time

    happyfeet (831175)

  62. first I think Holly’s testimony, unsupported as it is by evidence, and wholly supportive of a narrative, calls for a skeptical reception.

    happyfeet (831175) — 8/22/2015 @ 5:57 pm

    Well anything that supports a narrative happyfeet doesn’t like must be lie. Irrefutable logic. If you think circular reasoning is logical. I mean how could anything that supports a narrative he doesn’t like not be a lie eh? Pluse the “fact” that the producers of these videos are weird is further proof that it’s a lie. And we know they’re weird because he doesn’t like the narrative. Etc. etc. The way happyfeet’s mind works is totally transparent.

    Gerald A (066391)

  63. why hasn’t PP called her out on this to prevent further damage to their reputation and risk to their funding?

    it might be cause they can’t prove she’s lying

    but mostly cause it’s really the stemexpress people what would need to step up and challenge her not Planned Parenthood – most of what Holly says happened is about stemexpress and other stemexpress employees not about Planned Parenthood

    but Holly’s the star of the show here she’s in more of the lifeydoodle propaganda videos than anyone else unless you count the goofball action news reporters from CMP

    that right there says she’s doing a lot of the heavy lifting

    happyfeet (831175)

  64. JD, my biggest problem with the baby-killers is their sincerity. They really don’t think they’re doing anything wrong.

    nk (dbc370)

  65. i like rosé for certain sangrias especially this one what i hope to do one more time this summer though it’s starting to seem unlikely

    this one goes really well with this neat spicy carrot dip recipe i found

    this is the harissa i use i freeze the leftover stuff for next time
    happyfeet (831175) — 8/22/2015 @ 7:45 pm

    And clown nose on. So predictable.

    Gazzer (feaf20)

  66. nonono I’m very serious about sangria you know why?

    cause of it’s fun but also it’s usually very reasonable to put together cost-wise Mr. gazzer and you know what people really appreciate that I’ve found

    happyfeet (831175)

  67. It is called being the star witness.
    Defenses often try to smear star witnesses, just like RH tried to do.
    I think CMP is picking and choosing the videos that are most useful in condemning PP, but I see no reason to think Ms. O’Donnell is not telling the truth.

    kishnevi (294553)

  68. she’s not really a star witness here she’s more of a greek chorus what comes in at the end of and betwixt the other propaganda videos and yimmer yammer hee haws about whatever it is the CMP tells her they need her to yimmer yammer hee haw about I think

    happyfeet (831175)

  69. Disgust is too genteel a word for what I feel for HF. Adamantly refusing to admit to the horrors and ghoulishness that is Planned Parenthood and StemExpress.

    John Hitchcock (4406f7)

  70. Abortion would be a settled issue today were it not for its supporters.

    Kevin M (25bbee)

  71. yes yes i adamantly refuse

    i am pro fetal tissue research cause of it’s important stuff that people are learning

    and getting rid of fetal tissue research won’t stop one single abortion no sirree bob

    this bloody road remains a mystery I think

    and we need to keep on learning new stuff

    happyfeet (831175)

  72. an abject example of this proposition,

    narciso (ee1f88)

  73. Disgust is too genteel a word for what I feel for HF. Adamantly refusing to admit to the horrors and ghoulishness that is Planned Parenthood and StemExpress.

    John Hitchcock (4406f7) — 8/22/2015 @ 8:13 pm

    Noooooo horrors and ghoulishness- that’s the narrative. Therefore these videos are just a deception by weird people. And the information supports these weird people’s narrative just too perfectly. It’s like kind of like the narrative about the holocaust. You have these survivors with these stories about piles of dead bodies being taken out of these gas chambers, and even photographs for crying out loud! It’s just too perfect. Which is why we should doubt the holocaust ever happened. You just don’t have the x-ray vision of happyfeet. Nor do I, but he’ll patiently keep on trying.

    Gerald A (066391)

  74. why hasn’t PP called her out on this to prevent further damage to their reputation and risk to their funding?

    it might be cause they can’t prove she’s lying

    Or it might be that she’s telling the truth. And they know it.

    but mostly cause it’s really the stemexpress people what would need to step up and challenge her not Planned Parenthood – most of what Holly says happened is about stemexpress and other stemexpress employees not about Planned Parenthood

    Except it is PP that has far more to lose with more than 40% of their funding coming from federal and state taxpayer funds, and Stem Express not being the recipient any such funding. Stem Express will likely continue you to do business as it always has. Further, Stem Express has stated that PP’s partnership is only a small percentage of their business. That they’ve separated from them would seem to affirm this.

    but Holly’s the star of the show here she’s in more of the lifeydoodle propaganda videos than anyone else unless you count the goofball action news reporters from CMP

    Clearly she’s in more videos because she was willing to spill the beans. I’m guessing her conscience was eating her alive and she sought to relieve it as well as exposing the truth of what was, and is, happening.

    happyfeet (831175) — 8/22/2015 @ 7:54 pm

    Dana (86e864)

  75. I’ve posted this before. Thaddeus Borowski wrote a book called “This Way For The Gas, Ladies And Gentlemen”. It was about Auschwitz, where he was an inmate. He described this episode: One of the camp officers came down to where the trains were unloading to pick out a “girlfriend”. The girl fought him, grabbed his gun, and shot him in the stomach. The other guards gunned the girl down. As the deadhead lay on the ground clutching his stomach, he screamed, “My God, my God, what did I do to deserve this terrible fate?” Yup.

    nk (dbc370)

  76. me i think PP should lose all their government fundings irrespective of Holly and her stories

    i think it would force them to focus more on contraception and medical abortions and getting the word out about Plan B, all of which I think can play a much larger role than they are at present

    the key thing is that rich white people will still be able to get abortions when they need them and it’ll just be poor foodstamper women what get left out

    that’s america the way it’s supposed to be right there

    happyfeet (831175)

  77. You know what Margaret Sanger disapproved of worse than abortion? Masturbation. Try and figure that out.

    nk (dbc370)

  78. Further, Stem Express has stated that PP’s partnership is only a small percentage of their business.

    The link at 39 Narciso provided includes a quote that gives the figure as about 50 percent.

    As I said above, Stem Express is a broker, a middleman. I would be interested in learning who is in their customer base, that is the people who are buying the fetal tissue from StemExpress.

    kishnevi (91d5c6)

  79. Margaret Sanger was kind of a whore

    as in she really really liked sex a lot and with lots of different guys

    i read about it on the internet

    i don’t get her thing about masturbation though

    happyfeet (831175)

  80. who is in their customer base

    it’s mostly the government

    happyfeet (831175)

  81. I was going by the statement made by Stem Express when they separated from PP:

    “We value our various partnerships, but due to the increased questions that have arisen over the past few weeks, we feel it prudent to terminate activities with Planned Parenthood,” Stem Express said in a statement. “While we value our business relationship with Planned Parenthood, that work represents a small percentage of our overall business activity and we must focus our limited resources on resolving these inquiries.”

    Dana (86e864)

  82. 80. Margaret Sanger was kind of a whore…

    happyfeet (831175) — 8/22/2015 @ 8:59 pm

    You really need to reflect on that observation, happyfascist.

    Steve57 (5a07a9)

  83. it’s true i read it

    happyfeet (831175)

  84. I believe you read it.

    Steve57 (5a07a9)

  85. (she had an open second marriage, counted HG Wells among her lovers and continued to enjoy a sex life well into old age)*

    happyfeet (831175)

  86. hf

    The rich elites that believe in abortion and care so deeply can all write fat checks to make up for the shortfall.
    Do a concert like FarmAid and get celebrities to do cameos pretending to answer the phones.
    Can’t think of a catchy name for it though…

    steveg (fed1c9)

  87. yes yes Mr. G

    Mr. Soros and zuckzuck need to give til it hurts i think

    a concert would be fun but only if Ben Affleck’s nanny agrees to host it

    happyfeet (831175)

  88. At this point, happyfascist’s comments comprise just over 25% of this thread. None of them are substantive or add to the conversation. He infests every thread with his nonsense. Can we send it to Coventry?

    Gazzer (feaf20)

  89. you are incorrect

    happyfeet (831175)

  90. The evidence of Planned Parenthood engaging in indiscriminate torture and trafficking of murdered human babies is directed to pro-choicers. It is sufficient that abortion is indiscriminate killing of wholly innocent human lives for people who acknowledge that human life evolves from conception.

    The question that civilized society needs to answer is: When and by whose choice does a human life acquire value?

    The pro-choice position is that a human live has selective and actually variable value throughout its evolution from conception to death. The pro-life position is that human life is exceptional and has an intrinsic value. This is the cause of the conflict. The inability to reconcile two positions about the value of human life. It’s ironic that pro-choicers claim to reject intrinsic value in favor of individual dignity, while politically they will reject both in order to create strategic leverage.

    n.n (b378dc)

  91. Yawning is the path to bedtime. Yawning leads to weariness. Weariness leads to lying down. Lying down leads to sleep.

    nk (dbc370)

  92. heavenly shades of night are falling

    happyfeet (831175)

  93. Perhaps this will help clear up some of your denial, happyfeet:
    @ happyfeet,

    the part what got me suspicious the most Mr. JD was where she says she had no idea that her job procuring fetal tissue would involve procuring fetal tissue

    i just find that very hard to believe

    According to O’Doonnell, that is precisely what they did:

    O’Donnell applied for the job on Craigslist after graduating from trade school, and gladly accepted the position about six months later — under the impression she would be doing blood work as a licensed phlebotomist.

    “I did not know what I had got myself into,” she said on Splintered Caucus. “I passed out at the site [my first day] and woke up in the recovery room.” At that point she said she asked her coworker: “Why didn’t you let me know that the job was going to be dissecting dead fetuses?”

    Her coworker replied: “Oh, well it’s for a good cause. … It’s kind of recycling. We’re taking something good from a bad situation.”

    When I asked you how O’Donnell “lying” about this would benefit her, you said:

    i do think she’s a liar

    i have no idea what she’s getting out of this I think that’s a very good question

    I suggested that her conscience was so weighed down with by everything she had seen and done, that she didn’t lie about it but told the truth because she wanted to clear her traumatized conscience:

    After she left her job at StemExpress, O’Donnell said she had “night terrors” and would wake up crying. She started seeing a therapist, who diagnosed her with PTSD and generalized anxiety disorder as a direct result of her work in the clinics.

    “You have it just like any soldier who would come back from the war — that’s the extent you have it,” O’Donnell’s therapist told her. “That’s the extent you have it.”

    “[The therapist] believes that the mind and the soul are connected as one, so when I had to go into those clinics, she believes it was kind of a soul damaging thing,” O’Donnell said. “And to me, I feel the same way. I was very messed up for awhile.”

    Further, you said:

    it’s completely evident that Holly and her CMP friends have an agenda – I don;t think anyone would dispute that

    O’Donnell corrects your assertion:

    “It’s something that not a lot of people can relate to,” O’Donnell said, referring to her experience in the clinics. “So until this whole thing happened with the videos being released, I felt very alone.”

    “I felt like this was something I would never be able to get rid of, because people didn’t know what was going on. Some people didn’t believe me.”

    On her way to interview with CMP Project Lead David Daleiden, O’Donnell said she passed out on the plane. “The night before was nerve racking for me,” she said. “In the video, I think I look tired. I look like — look like hell. It’s cause I felt like hell.”

    Asked what outcome she’s hoping for, O’Donnell said she wants people to know the truth, but doesn’t have a political agenda and is not on a mission to shut down Planned Parenthood.

    “I don’t think I have any authority to outright say, ‘oh yeah, shut down Planned Parenthood,” she said. “Because they do good for women as well. But at the same time, how many other clinics, how many low-cost clinics in the USA do good for women as well?”

    Does it sound reasonable to you, happyfeet, that these are all lies?

    Dana (86e864)

  94. Also, happyfeet, you claim that O’Donnell is a liar and that she has no evidence to support her statements. Yet at the same time, you also have no evidence to support your claim that she is a liar. Especially given her statements at #94.

    Why does she need evidence to disprove that she is a liar, and you don’t need any evidence to prove that she is a liar?

    Dana (86e864)

  95. Lies lies lies all lies, Dana. She has an agenda. Happyfeet has his narrative, and he’ll claim it involves maximizing liberty, except for those that will never get to take a breath. Or did take a breath and were killed for their livers.

    JD (3b5483)

  96. I believe if someone calls another person a liar, especially one who has taken great risk and paid a big price for that risk, then it is incumbent upon the accuser to show proof that the person lied. And if they can’t, then they have revealed their own agenda.

    Dana (86e864)

  97. yeah i still don’t trust her Dana

    i don’t trust any of these people

    these extreme lifeydoodles don’t make their fetal tissue propaganda porn for me they make it for people who get off on it

    happyfeet (831175)

  98. So, he is going with the fingers in his ears defense lalalalalalalala

    JD (3b5483)

  99. Happyfeet,

    You are the equivalent of a truther or a birther. You have a fixed narrative in your brain, and no matter what is shown to contradict your belief or reveals the fallacy and/or irrationality of your thinking, you still cling to it. I’m curious, why is that?

    Dana (86e864)

  100. I believe if someone calls another person a liar, especially one who has taken great risk and paid a big price for that risk, then it is incumbent upon the accuser to show proof that the person lied. And if they can’t, then they have revealed their own agenda.

    i believe when people like Holly spoon feed you propaganda what offers an unsupported narrative that tailors perfectly with your worldview you should be very very skeptical

    and I don’t know why you guys have to get so mean and personal we have a lot of common ground with respect to cutting off PP’s government monies, which so far is pretty much the only action item what’s come out of this

    it’s kinda creepy how that’s not enough and you demand I lap up all the propaganda like it’s a delectable momofuku cereal milk white russian

    well that’s never been who i am I’m not that kind of pikachu

    I don’t readily enlist

    on christ the solid rock i stand all other ground is sinking sand

    happyfeet (831175)

  101. Dana, quite seriously. Look at who you’re dealing with.

    You’re reminiscent of a parent assuming her teenager will be responsible and reliable, will do his chores, will listen to reason, will be practical minded. And then becoming upset when that’s not the way things turn out.

    Mark (e187ae)

  102. Happyfeet,

    I assure you I Have no intentions of being mean, and I am not angry or upset. Rather, I am attempting to figure out why you think the way you do about Holly O’Donnell.

    With that:

    i believe when people like Holly spoon feed you propaganda what offers an unsupported narrative that tailors perfectly with your worldview you should be very very skeptical

    Do you see any irony in your caution about an unsupported narrative that tailors perfectly with you worldview???? Because I do.

    Dana (86e864)

  103. what narrative exactly am I being insufficiently skeptical of?

    i support fetal tissue research and believe it should remain legal

    if there’s any irony it’s in my believe that a lot of work can be done to minimize abortions what happen in second trimester and later, and I think cutting off PP’s government monies is a good way to spur innovation in this area

    i think a ban on abortion at the 20-22 week range is a nifty compromise

    I think these propaganda videos are very weak in terms of actual evidence of malfeasance

    I think this is a very teensy issue in the context of failmerica’s sad inexorable embrace of food stamps fail and fascism

    i do not think it merits all these angsty bewailings

    that’s pretty much my narrative

    who exactly shares this narrative with me?

    maybe just normal people

    happyfeet (831175)

  104. this failmerican eagerness to be spoonfed propaganda

    it goes a long way towards explaining this trump thing, no?

    happyfeet (831175)

  105. A regular Andy Richter he is.

    narciso (ee1f88)

  106. who exactly shares this narrative with me?
    Pretty much nobody here.

    maybe just normal people

    Sad, stubborn, thread-pooping deviant. Can we get happyfascist blockware?

    Gazzer (feaf20)

  107. we’ve done blockware before it doesn’t really change anything Mr. Gazzer

    the people with blockware what used to whine about comments they don’t like just end up whining about comments they can’t see but still don’t like, which is exponentially more tedious really

    happyfeet (831175)

  108. happyfeet,

    You seem to be a Libertarian much of the time, or at least your version of one. As Mike K said on another thread, this is what should concern everyone:

    Under utilitarian ethics, sale of fetus parts is OK, I guess, but the temptation to go beyond viability seems to be the risk. I see no evidence that these people have any ethical barrier to murder.

    DRJ (1dff03)

  109. Ahhh yesss … Hypocrites – the Democrat/Progressive/Leftist’s favourite Greek Philosopher …

    Alastor (2e7f9f)

  110. There is a video of an intact, moving baby in a basin so there is evidence that this organization makes no effort to save babies born alive.

    DRJ (1dff03)

  111. happyfeet, you are as entitled to your opinion as anyone else here. We are just saddened your opinion sides with those who believe chopping up aborted babies (or whatever “softer” word you use) for experimenting is in any way a reasonable, moral way to approach research. Thousands of babies die each year and thousands more are aborted out of necessity. Using abortion for fetal experiments is no excuse for using abortion for birth control and at over a million a year that’s exactly what they are doing. They are murdering their babies for their own convenience. And I believe your inability or unwillingness to move your position in the face of video evidence proves that for some people once they’ve made up their mind there is no un-making it. It explains something about you but on a grander scale it explains a lot about leftists of all stripes. No matter how bad their policies nor how much they fail they will never change their minds.

    Rev. Barack Hussein Hoagie (f4eb27)

  112. I see no evidence that these people have any ethical barrier to murder.

    Well, DRJ, I’ve never seen any evidence that any leftist in history had any ethical barrier to murder. What makes anyone think these “particular” leftists are any different?

    Rev. Barack Hussein Hoagie (f4eb27)

  113. that’s all well and good DRJ but the videos offer no evidence of “murder” or of financial incentives being in place what would serve as an inducement of such

    no evidence

    that’s a Robin Cook novel not real life

    [and if we go the extreme lilaroser route and drive abortion underground (and drive up the value of fetal tissue)

    boy howdy the law of unintended consequences is gonna have a field day]

    i think for reals the takeaway from what’s documented in these propaganda videos and teh subsequent investigations is that, so far anyway, PP’s fetal tissue procurement programs have been shown to be ethical legal and professional

    these lifeydoodle zealots really really tried, really really hard – over a period of years – to find proof to the contrary

    they failed

    that’s gotta be at least a little bit reassuring with respect to the risks posited by Mr. Dr. K.

    happyfeet (831175)

  114. Happyfeet = eugenics supporter

    Not that there is anything wrong with that.


    BfC (5517e8)

  115. *the* subsequent investigations i mean

    happyfeet (831175)

  116. Mr. BfC that is a reductive and unsupported assertion

    you have failed

    happyfeet (831175)

  117. @ happyfeet,

    but the videos offer no evidence of “murder” or of financial incentives being in place what would serve as an inducement of such

    no evidence

    What do you think happened to the born-alive baby moving in the basin, happyfeet, with the techs and doctors right in the immediate vicinity?

    Dana (86e864)

  118. There is a video of an intact, moving baby in a basin so there is evidence that this organization makes no effort to save babies born alive.

    perhaps lifeydoodles should partner with planned parenthood and stand by with resuscitation teams for in case this happens again

    happyfeet (831175)

  119. and by the way where is the link to the basin baby video clip

    when did this happen

    did it happen in a clinic what had a fetal tissue procurement program?

    did the baby have any kind of realistic chance of survival (had an infanticide been administered)

    what was the nature of this case – is it the sort of case that would be prevented if we were to ban abortions after 20-22 weeks?

    i see how you’re trying to set up the hypothetical dominoes, but i don’t think it all adds up to a compelling argument at least not so far

    and the plural of anecdotes still isn’t data

    happyfeet (831175)

  120. oh. #114 is a response to #109 just to be clear

    happyfeet (831175)

  121. Mark…although Sanger herself was against abortion…Apparently, she thought preconception birth control was a way to reduce abortion. Of course, she may have said that for public consumption, and thought differently in private. And her target was not blacks. It was poor people in general, especially immigrants. — kishnevi (93670d) — 8/22/2015 @ 7:34 pm

    Kishnevi, I’m not sure if your characterization of Sanger is a case of a distinction without a difference., February 2015: Below is a compilation of…shocking quotes from Sanger, a famed eugenicist who birthed America’s largest abortion-on-demand corporation.

    1) In a letter to Dr. Clarence Gamble in December, 19, 1939, Sanger exposited her vision for the “Negro Project,” a freshly launched collaboration between the American Birth Control League and Sanger’s Birth Control Clinical Research Bureau. The letter echoes the eugenic ideologies still visible within the corporate vein of Planned Parenthood today.

    It seems to me from my experience…that while the colored Negroes have great respect for white doctors they can get closer to their own members and more or less lay their cards on the table which means their ignorance, superstitions and doubts. We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal.

    We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.

    2) In 1926, Sanger spoke at a meeting hosted by the women’s auxiliary of the Ku Klux Klan in Silver Lake, New Jersey. Following the invitation, Sanger describes her elation after receiving multiple speaking requests from white supremacy groups. She writes of the experience on page 366 of her book, An Autobiography:

    I accepted an invitation to talk to the women’s branch of the Ku Klux Klan… I saw through the door dim figures parading with banners and illuminated crosses… I was escorted to the platform, was introduced, and began to speak… In the end, through simple illustrations I believed I had accomplished my purpose. A dozen invitations to speak to similar groups were proffered.

    3) In “Pivot of Civilization,” Sanger penned her thoughts regarding immigrants, the poor, and the error of philanthropy. Sanger’s ideology of racial and social hygiene bleeds through her writings on breeding an ideal human race:

    Organized charity itself is the symptom of a malignant social disease… Instead of decreasing and aiming to eliminate the stocks [of people] that are most detrimental to the future of the race and the world, it tends to render them to a menacing degree dominant.

    Sanger contends that philanthropy to help poor, struggling mothers does not offer women the opportunity to ”avoid bringing into the world” more children, but encourages a “dead weight of human weight” that “healthier” societies must shoulder.

    4) “Birth control is nothing more or less than…weeding out the unfit.”

    Sanger famously coined the term “birth control” with the intention of eliminating the reproduction of human beings who were considered “less fit.” In her writings from “Morality and Birth Control” and “Birth Control and the New Race,” the Planned Parenthood founder noted that the chief aim of the practice of birth control is to produce a “cleaner race.” Sanger’s vision for birth control was to prevent the birth of individuals whom she believed were unfit for mankind:

    5) In “The Pivot of Civilization” and “A Plan for Peace,” Sanger describes the eugenic value of eliminating persons – minorities, the sick, and the disabled – through sterilization or segregation:

    Our failure to segregate morons who are increasing and multiplying…demonstrates our foolhardy and extravagant sentimentalism… [Philanthropists] encourage the healthier and more normal sections of the world to shoulder the burden of unthinking and indiscriminate fecundity of others; which brings with it, as I think the reader must agree, a dead weight of human waste.

    6) “I think the greatest sin in the world is bringing children into the world.”

    In an 1957 interview with journalist Mike Wallace, Sanger advocated that the greatest evil is a family that chooses to bring children into the world. Sanger, who advocated for a system requiring every American family to submit a request to the government to have a child, told America Weekly in 1934 that it has “become necessary to establish a system of birth permits.”

    I think the greatest sin in the world is bringing children into the world – that have disease from their parents, that have no chance in the world to be a human being practically. Delinquents, prisoners, all sorts of things just marked when they’re born. That to me is the greatest sin – that people can – can commit.

    Mark (e187ae)

  122. Yet another thread hi-jacked by an ignorant fascist that, as has been pointed out, uses tactics it decries in others like Holly. Alannis, this is irony. Thank Allah that Holly wasn’t a Christian baker in her spare time.

    Gazzer (feaf20)

  123. i didn’t hijack nuffin Mr. G

    every comment i made was on point to either the post or another comment whereas you keep popping up with these meta comments where all you do is whine about other commenters and offer nothing of substance that advances the conversation

    i know you can do better than this

    happyfeet (831175)

  124. Dana @118, happyfascist has eyes wide shut.

    Isn’t he clever! Lifeydoodles!

    That’s what he calls anyone who says “infant” when they look at a baby moving around.

    I notice he hasn’t come up with any smart-@$$ new nicknames for PP types who look into the same tray and see the same living being, but call it it “products of conception” and want to part it out.

    Let’s stop pretending about happyfascist, as if all he wants out out life is a tasty burrito.

    He’s batting for team vivisection.

    Steve57 (5a07a9)

  125. where all you do is whine about other commenters and offer nothing of substance that advances the conversation
    Nope, the only commenter I despise is you. Your pathetic schtick of non-sensical non-reality based assertions ad nauseum alternated with cutesy cupcake references when you realize that even you have gone too far, continue to rankle.
    This is the only site where I read all the comments always and the only one to which I contribute occasionally. You, and only you, are making me seriously reconsider this. And that is a shame.

    Gazzer (feaf20)

  126. i love babies Mr. 57 they’re my favorite in just the last two weeks i sent a lil baby picklehead in iowa these yummy dill pickle peanuts we accidentally found out he loves loves loves earlier in the summer

    (they really are special – very very very fresh-tasting not like planters crap)

    and just last week i bought a lil princess picklepoo a bunch of frozen stuff – mostly books and a coloring scroll but also a spiffy umbrella what has snargle dargle the snowflake man on it or whatever his name is

    i haven’t seen the movie yet so no spoilers

    very soon NG is gonna have babywazzle numero tres

    she has a mid-september due date but given her track record you gotta be ready at any time – thankfully she’s well into the window where we can breathe pretty easy

    i think i’m a send an AMAZING and senselessly expensive bouquet of rainbow flowers for that one

    babies are my favorite

    people what focus their energies on the babies we already have are really on the right track i think in terms of making failmerica a slightly more better places as opposed to all this quixotic fetus idolatry

    happyfeet (831175)

  127. a slightly more better *place* i mean

    happyfeet (831175)

  128. Mr. Gazzer i find your last comment to be baseless ad hominem and I choose not to respond to it at this time, but I want you to know I’m not ignoring you

    happyfeet (831175)

  129. I believe if someone calls another person a liar, especially one who has taken great risk and paid a big price for that risk, then it is incumbent upon the accuser to show proof that the person lied. And if they can’t, then they have revealed their own agenda.

    i believe when people like Holly spoon feed you propaganda what offers an unsupported narrative that tailors perfectly with your worldview you should be very very skeptical

    and I don’t know why you guys have to get so mean and personal we have a lot of common ground with respect to cutting off PP’s government monies, which so far is pretty much the only action item what’s come out of this

    it’s kinda creepy how that’s not enough and you demand I lap up all the propaganda like it’s a delectable momofuku cereal milk white russian

    happyfeet (831175) — 8/23/2015 @ 9:24 am

    You called Holly a liar. There’s no factual basis for such a claim. Your belief is based on the idea that “it supports a narrative” as though that’s some logical basis for labeling her statement a lie. We’re just supposed to assume she’s a liar, since (1) you regard the video producers as weird and (2) it supports a narrative. The notion she’s likely lying because you regard the producers as weird or because it supports a narrative is a gigantic non-sequitur. Yet you keep repeating this same NARRATIVE over and over. If anything YOU’RE the propagandist.

    Gerald A (066391)

  130. Save the Whales Unborn!

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  131. yes yes i think she’s a liar

    i find it wholly implausible that she took this job not knowing what she would be doing, i find it wholly implausible that StemEx would send over someone to PP without giving them any instruction about their duties or an orientation to what their job entails

    i also think her anecdote in Dana’s link smells really off – the one about her rather all too tightly scripted run-in with the unnamed professor at an unnamed college

    After she left StemExpress, O’Donnell recounted being asked to leave the room during an abortion debate in one of her college classes.

    “There was a debate on abortion, and I went up to my teacher and said I don’t really feel comfortable in this debate,” O’Donnell said. “And she’s like: ‘No. You have to.’”

    “Well I used to work in an abortion clinic,” O’Donnell explained, but her professor again told her she had to stay for the debate.

    “And when the debate started, I raised my hand,” O’Donnell recounted. “And I’m like, ‘I have worked in abortion clinics. I have dissected dead fetuses. I’ve interviewed hundreds of women to why they’re having an abortion, and I don’t agree with it.’”

    “And no one had anything to say, and my teacher is like ‘you should leave.’”

    i call shenanigans

    happyfeet (831175)

  132. That is believable, happy. If you think folks who don’t adhere to the pro-abortion party line are marginalized, guess again.

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  133. believable maybe in the sense that yeah it could’ve happened, but it doesn’t have the ring of truth

    poor damaged Holly seems wholly unable to just walk away

    from her job she hates

    from this class what’s upsetting her

    get it together girlfriend

    happyfeet (831175)

  134. i find it wholly implausible that StemEx would send over someone to PP without giving them any instruction about their duties or an orientation to what their job entails

    happyfeet (831175) — 8/23/2015 @ 12:02 pm

    Where exactly did she say she never had any information about what her job entails?

    Gerald A (066391)

  135. see comment #94

    happyfeet (831175)

  136. 105.this failmerican eagerness to be spoonfed propaganda

    it goes a long way towards explaining this trump thing, no?
    happyfeet (831175) — 8/23/2015 @ 10:28 am

    Certainly explains Obama.

    arik (02de93)

  137. indeed it does

    happyfeet (831175)

  138. I don’t readily enlist

    on christ the solid rock i stand all other ground is sinking sand
    happyfeet (831175) — 8/23/2015 @ 9:24 am

    “Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.” Jeremiah 1:5

    If you’re going to try standing on the Rock of Christ, perhaps you should try reading His Book sometime. It’s available for free on the Kindle at Amazon.

    Might do you some good.

    arik (02de93)

  139. thank you for the link

    happyfeet (831175)

  140. hf

    I guarantee you the woman behind the kicking baby in the basin had to waive any do not resuscitate order and instead signed an order specifically authorizing the PP to use any and all measures on her.
    So, no need for the pro life team to be onsite. They already know what to do, they just choose not to do it.

    steveg (fed1c9)

  141. i don’t really get though how exactly that’s related here and nobody will link the video and I can’t find it

    i’m already on record on agreeing to ban abortions at 20-22 weeks (with exceptions)

    and I’ve also said a lot more focus should be put on contraception (particularly for guys) and on medical abortion and Plan B

    and I’m pretty sure PP regards kicking basin babies as something to be avoided and I’m sure they do their best to minimize these sorts of situations – all we have is a single anecdote, not a quantification of this type of occurrence

    but seriously whenever i hear people quibble about how PP does abortions, I definitely do think that if you think they’re doing it wrong you have every right to open your own abortion clinic and do it however you think it should be done

    that’s how things are supposed to work in a free country

    happyfeet (831175)

  142. i don’t really get though how exactly that’s related here and nobody will link the video and I can’t find it

    i don’t really want to see it so don’t know yourself out

    happyfeet (831175)

  143. *knock* yourself out i mean

    happyfeet (831175)

  144. Look, happyfascist, you’re going to have to start coming up with better lies.

    Yes, she had a vague, fuzzy idea of what StemExpress expected of her when she took the job.

    So she took the job.

    And then she got a very exact job description, and only lasted six months.

    What you need to tell your handlers at the DNC or Planned Parenthood is, we get the picture. A great many of us have taken jobs that weren’t exactly as described. And then after working just long enough to figure things out, quit because we were not told the whole truth from the start.

    In my case it was a sales job for a company that had a nice web site but nothing really to sell. It took me three months to figure things out. It wasn’t as easy as one might think.

    What is really bad for you, happyfascist, is that Holly O’Donnell is one of you. Apparently she’s into some lesbian action, and she must have been pro-abortion as she took a job at PP in the first place.

    So she understood she’d be taking some blood and tissue samples.

    She didn’t know she’d be tasked with cutting babies faces open to extract their brains. She got in over her head; way too deep, much deeper than she imagined.

    It is very revealing you call her a liar for this. What you really mean is traitor. She betrayed your cause because when she found out about ground truth, she didn’t keep her mouth shut.

    This is all we need to know about you, happyfascist.

    Steve57 (5a07a9)

  145. mums the word

    happyfeet (831175)

  146. *mum’s* the word i mean

    happyfeet (831175)

  147. If you can’t handle cutting baby brains out through the face then use the free market and get another gig?
    Or start your own clinic (without the $500M taxpayer subsidy) and just abort babies under 22 weeks?
    The point being it is not a free market, it is crony capitalism… a non profit or a foundation gets taxpayer dollars to fund *everything* except abortions… which since overhead is covered frees up $500M for abortion services.

    Obamacare and its regulations put on private plans should cover medically necessary abortions for anyone that walk into a clinic.
    The doctors should be reimbursed enough that they don’t resort to selling off the parts.
    Dr Carson made the point that there is plenty of fetal tissue available from spontaneous abortions and from emergency procedures.
    The problem comes when a company wants healthy, normal, high quality tissue… that needs to be harvested from otherwise healthy babies who would be fine except they are torn from the womb alive and viable until some PA comes in with the garden shears

    steveg (fed1c9)

  148. I think you are weird, Steve. I think I’m going to start calling you Weird Steve – either because it will lead to a handle-modifying arms race that leads Patterico to drop the hammer on the handle-modifying, or because I’ll get to have fun calling you Weird Steve.

    Leviticus (b793a9)

  149. Steve57 is WeirdSteve, for the record

    Leviticus (b793a9)

  150. happyfeet,

    The video is embedded in this post. It is at 5:57-6:09.

    DRJ (1dff03)

  151. i’m confuzzled

    where is that footage from exactly


    it’s stock footage from the grantham collection

    so to be clear nobody’s saying that this footage at 5:57 is from something what took place at planned parenthood

    happyfeet (831175)

  152. i think it’s worth noting that the grantham collection is such vile lifeydoodle porn that the site won’t even let me link it

    happyfeet (831175)

  153. yes yes yes this is crony capitalism Mr. g

    and me i do not want my tax monies paying for reproductive health services and abortions for poor people

    i think that’s beyond the scope of what government should be doing

    but nobody wants to ally with me to help make this happen

    i sit here all alone

    with my sangria recipes

    waiting for my new herman miller aeron chair to arrive

    i’m so excited

    happyfeet (831175)

  154. That cuts it, Leviticus.

    I’m not baking you a cake.

    Steve57 (5a07a9)

  155. 150. Steve57 is WeirdSteve, for the record

    Leviticus (b793a9) — 8/23/2015 @ 2:56 pm

    X.O., take a note.

    Ops O., make it happen.

    Steve57 (5a07a9)

  156. i think it’s worth noting that the grantham collection is such vile lifeydoodle porn that the site won’t even let me link it

    for which I’m grateful actually cause of linking that lurid crap was a very bad impulse

    mea and also culpa

    happyfeet (831175)

  157. i think it’s worth noting that the grantham collection is such vile lifeydoodle porn that the site won’t even let me link it

    lifeydoodle porn = cutting babies faces open with surgical scissors soes you can remove the brains.

    Only weirdos like me have a prob with that.

    Steve57 (5a07a9)

  158. Naval Recruit Training Center, San Diego.

    Security is called to investigate strange noises emanating from a largely uninhabited barracks.

    Turns out some chica is &^%$%ing a dog.

    For a variety of biomechanical reasons, they have to wait until the dog finishes before they can arrest the human member of the coupling.

    She’s lying there, saying, “OMG, this is so embarrassing.”

    Clearly she was a lifedoodle, as WeirdSteve can confirm that all normal human beings are cool with anything and everything.

    In fact, as the dog seemed to be enjoying himself perhaps she shouldn’t have been arrested at all.

    But WeirdSteve thought so.

    Steve57 (5a07a9)

  159. Mr. 57 that really does a lot assume facts not in evidence

    happyfeet (831175)

  160. #158 i mean

    happyfeet (831175)

  161. Glad you cleared that up, happy.

    Because the dog really did seem to be enjoying himself.

    I thought you doubted me.

    Steve57 (5a07a9)

  162. lifeydoodle porn = cutting babies faces open with surgical scissors soes you can remove the brains

    see this is another reason why I think Holly is a very disturbed lying liar (though she’s probably also lying about how disturbed she is, which is disturbing)

    according to the puerile propaganda sleazebags at CMP Holly says this:

    O’Donnell also tells how her StemExpress supervisor instructed her to cut through the face of the fetus in order to get the brain. “She gave me the scissors and told me that I had to cut down the middle of the face. I can’t even describe what that feels like,” she says.

    but on the EXACT SAME PAGE we have the puerile CMP propaganda sleazebags quoting StemEx ceo Cate Dyer as saying this:

    SE: As you probably know, one of the issues with neural tissue, it’s so fragile. It’s insanely fragile. And I don’t even know – I was gonna say, I know we get requests for neural, it’s the hardest thing in the world to ship.

    Buyer: You do it as the whole calvarium.

    SE: Yeah, that’s the easiest way.
    And we’ve actually had good success with that.

    so according to the head of StemEx – they WOULD NOT try to cut out the brain they’d ship the whole head

    but poor holly says they cut into the face and remove the brains

    who’s lying?

    hint: it’s Holly

    cause she’s a LIAR

    happyfeet (831175)

  163. The “whole head” thingy just makes everything OK.

    Thanks for bringing it to our attention, happy!

    “Just cut the f***ing head off and put it in a box.”

    Yeah, sorry I gave this lesbo O’Donnell chick the time of day, now that you’ve cleared it all up.

    Steve57 (5a07a9)

  164. you are welcome now let’s all join together to get poor disturbed lying Holly the helps she needs

    happyfeet (831175)

  165. Yeah, sorry I gave this lesbo O’Donnell chick the time of day, now that you’ve cleared it all up.

    you’re not supposed to say about that stuff even the people what printed it say it shoulda been out of bounds

    happyfeet (831175)

  166. The doctors should be reimbursed enough that they don’t resort to selling off the parts.
    Dr Carson made the point that there is plenty of fetal tissue available from spontaneous abortions and from emergency procedures.

    OMG, steveg. It’s the old “we need more funding so this won’t happen again” misdirection.

    felipe (56556d)

  167. Dr. Carson talks out of his ass a LOT sometimes

    remember he’s the “prison makes you gay” dude

    happyfeet (831175)

  168. happyfascist, has it occurred to you that while StemExpress wanted the brain, they didn’t want the face. So it could be Holly O’Donnell isn’t lying.

    Steve57 (5a07a9)

  169. @166 it’s just so hard keeping track of the finer points of etiquette whilst discussing dismembering babies.

    WeirdSteve will try to do better.

    Steve57 (5a07a9)

  170. i doubt it

    it’s what she does

    happyfeet (831175)

  171. #171 was a response to #169 where you suggested that perhaps Holly is in fact NOT a liar

    happyfeet (831175)

  172. A future civilization could perhaps highlight the absurdity of who is and who is not the liar about the finer points of the baby brain trafficking industry.

    Steve57 (5a07a9)

  173. that’s too glib

    either Holly is lying or Cate is

    pick one

    my money’s on poor disturbed ptsd up the ying yang Holly

    happyfeet (831175)

  174. (insert name of commentator) is the kind of person who’s idea of telling the truth is to hold up a thumb in front of a single open eye and declare “I don’t see you!”

    felipe (56556d)

  175. i’m squishing your head!

    happyfeet (831175)

  176. When we all know we are discussing merchants who deal in baby skulls and their contents, far be it for me to defend the liar.

    Somebody might think less of me.

    Steve57 (5a07a9)

  177. you’re too hard on yourself

    happyfeet (831175)

  178. “i’m squishing your head!”


    felipe (56556d)

  179. Aborted kids in the hall.

    Gazzer (feaf20)

  180. On reflection, I think it was crushing not squishing.

    Gazzer (feaf20)

  181. crushing is such a loaded word in this context Mr. G

    happyfeet (831175)

  182. Oops, that was unintentional.

    Gazzer (feaf20)

  183. I think you are weird, Steve.

    In the mind of the modern-day liberal, Leviticus, I don’t know whether you’re razzing or praising Steve57. After all, look at the freak (or freaks, if you consider the wife too) you liberals put into the White House, with creepy Hillary (not to mention her sleazy old man) pulling up the rear.

    However, I do admit that another oddball of 2015, Bruce “Caitlyn” Jenner, is a Republican. But, still, weirdness and its various forms of dysfunction have been turned into a fine art by the left.

    Mark (e187ae)

  184. happyfeet,

    The video credits the Grantham Collection for the footage, which to me indicates it is representative of what O’Donnell saw. You are of course free to decide she or anyone has an agenda and/or is not credible, as are we.

    DRJ (1dff03)

  185. You are of course free to decide she or anyone has an agenda and/or is not credible, as are we.

    yeah DRJ i gotta say I think she’s a liar especially in light of what I note at #163

    that plus the fact they’re incorporating really gross stock footage from the Grantham Collection into their propaganda cause of it’s “representative” in their own fevered imaginations definitely makes me strongly suspect the CMP scooby van has jumped the shark on this whole keefey-poof agitprop campaign

    happyfeet (831175)

  186. They had to harvest fetal calvarium in different ways to figure out the “best” way, right? I wonder how many they did before they decided that.

    DRJ (1dff03)

  187. seven?



    it’s not rocket science really

    happyfeet (831175)

  188. neural tissue, it’s so fragile. It’s insanely fragile.

    see that has the ring of truth

    Holly the ptsd-stricken baby face-cutter not so much

    happyfeet (831175)

  189. really gross stock footage from the Grantham Collection into their propaganda cause of it’s “representative” in their own fevered imaginations definitely makes me strongly suspect the CMP scooby van has jumped the shark on this whole keefey-poof agitprop campaign
    So, you only response to the “really gross” images you see is to assume it’s part of a propaganda campaign?

    Dana (86e864)

  190. well

    let’s let the other commenters be the judge Dana

    let’s unblock the Grantham Collection to where we can link it so other people can judge whether or not propaganda’s at play here [gack]

    we can also decide a.) if CMP is incorporating wholly unrelated images into their youtube propaganda vid clips cause of they’re serious reporters unlike those mainstream media losers

    or b.) maybe they’re just juvenile keefey-poof hacks

    happyfeet (831175)

  191. My guess is regardless to the message, you will pick MSM and their narrative
    I don’t think that is the only way out of the conundrum

    steveg (fed1c9)

  192. Knowing the reluctance of our host to dis-invite anyone, no matter how obnoxious a guest is,
    can anyone suggest a response we can do as a group which minimizes the negative effect the childish, libelous, infanticide defender has on this blog?

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  193. Mr. g if I had my choice i’d pick talking about repealing obamacare

    remember that?


    happyfeet (831175)

  194. yes yes let’s figure out how to repress speech we’re uncomfortable with Mr. Dr.

    good call

    and timely!

    happyfeet (831175)

  195. i got your zeitgeist right here!

    happyfeet (831175)

  196. Okay so I’m reminded of the Pic of the Murray Bldg the Firefighter bringing out the unmoving baby and I want to preface this argument as any Louisiana Federal Judge Would

    HappyFeet contends that someone is lying about what happened at stemexpress, despite the fact Stemexpress cuts babies faces.

    I would speculate a short but unhappyfeet jail sentence when you told the judge YOU KNEW, because…

    I’ve been there, seen it, sent them brownies (they don’t allow cake)


    Do you have ANY PROOF, that this woman is lying, she is on the line, she can be financially ruined and possibly go to jail if she is lying.

    EPWJ (efdc40)

  197. I wish we had someone knowledgeable about these procedures, because happyfeet seems to think a fetal calvarium is harvested by removing the head. However, the calvarium is the skull, not the head with skin. Don’t they ultimately have to remove the skin to harvest the calvarium?

    DRJ (1dff03)

  198. “[Dog-banging anecdote re: slippery slopes]”

    – Weird Steve

    For the record, it’s not Weird Steve’s opposition to abortion (which I share) that leads me to refer to him as Weird Steve.

    Leviticus (48a857)

  199. omg I’ve already done ALL the heavy lifting on this thread Mr. Eric

    so you remember how I told you I’m waiting on my Aeron chair right?

    i felt kinda guilty about splurging like that

    so I got my best friend from back in LA one of these

    yeah the first thing you see is it’s very star wars

    but it’s still so so so charming cause of how it’s so “the future is now”

    me i don’t need that myself (except for the cleaning robots)

    but i love it that i can give that to someone else

    point is, it gets better, people

    you don’t have to wallow wallow wallow in the fleeting muck and filth of the present

    that’s a choice

    happyfeet (831175)

  200. Wrestling with a pig in the mud has little virtue, wrestling with a pig in a trough of pig poop even less, hf

    I’m not interested in repressing your speech, just finding ways to minimize the waste of time the rest of us spend dealing with it.

    I haven’t checked, maybe you should be allowed to post your own columns on “The Jury Talks Back”, so you can exercise your speech all that you want,
    and the rest of us can ignore it all that we want,
    and everyone will be happy.

    MD in Philly (f9371b)

  201. minimize what exactly Mr. Dr.?

    we’ve had how many posts where all we do is amplify a CMP propaganda campaign?

    i haven’t counted but it’s MANY

    many many many

    and you have *one lil pikachu* what says nope i’m not on board wif dat


    like cher said in moonstruck


    is one more post about the fetuses gonna move the dial you think?

    i bet it will!

    and then all of america will be on team lifeydoodle and america will



    happyfeet (831175)

  202. with bonus israel genocide at the bottom of that cereal box

    oh yeah failmericans

    i got your pro-life stance right here

    happyfeet (831175)

  203. pull my trump

    happyfeet (831175)

  204. sounds like someone isn’t liking the own sound of his voice in this

    EPWJ (719942)

  205. You have strong opinions (on subjects like SSM and abortion) but you seem to have problems grasping that some people may have other opinions, happyfeet. You don’t have to accept them as your own but it seems to me that an intelligent person could grasp other opinions and discuss them hypothetically — as if they were valid — even if you disagree. Why can’t you do that?

    DRJ (1dff03)

  206. i’m a pass you the baton Mr. Eric

    run with it baby

    run like a gazelle

    and sing your truth

    don’t forget to sing

    promise me you won’t forget to sing

    happyfeet (831175)

  207. Why can’t you do that?

    it’s a choice

    happyfeet (831175)

  208. @199, who doesn’t trip over some woman humping a dog, these days, on their morning commute?

    Steve57 (5a07a9)

  209. who doesn’t trip over some woman humping a dog, these days, on their morning commute?

    katy perry?

    happyfeet (831175)

  210. Especially now with de Blasio in charge of New York.

    WeirdSteve, offering my views from my side of the toilet.

    Steve57 (5a07a9)

  211. Paging Snake Plissken,

    narciso (ee1f88)

  212. It is a choice, but it’s one that intolerant or unintelligent people make. Or children. Which are you?

    DRJ (1dff03)

  213. i am pikachu

    which are you?

    happyfeet (831175)

  214. see this is another reason why I think Holly is a very disturbed lying liar (though she’s probably also lying about how disturbed she is, which is disturbing)

    according to the puerile propaganda sleazebags at CMP Holly says this:

    O’Donnell also tells how her StemExpress supervisor instructed her to cut through the face of the fetus in order to get the brain. “She gave me the scissors and told me that I had to cut down the middle of the face. I can’t even describe what that feels like,” she says.

    but on the EXACT SAME PAGE we have the puerile CMP propaganda sleazebags quoting StemEx ceo Cate Dyer as saying this:

    SE: As you probably know, one of the issues with neural tissue, it’s so fragile. It’s insanely fragile. And I don’t even know – I was gonna say, I know we get requests for neural, it’s the hardest thing in the world to ship.

    Buyer: You do it as the whole calvarium.

    SE: Yeah, that’s the easiest way. And we’ve actually had good success with that.

    so according to the head of StemEx – they WOULD NOT try to cut out the brain they’d ship the whole head

    but poor holly says they cut into the face and remove the brains

    who’s lying?

    hint: it’s Holly

    cause she’s a LIAR

    happyfeet (831175)

  215. I understand your passion for the benefits of stem cell research. But have you considered the drawbacks of using the DNA from babies of liberal food stamp hooker trash parents. Sure, it will alleviate or cure your neurofibromyalgia, but you could find yourself lining up for welfare, voting for Nancy Pelosi, and organizing protests against pate de foie gras.

    nk (dbc370)

  216. Mark@122
    It does mean that even for someone like Sanger, abortion was too far over the line.
    Unless she was merely pretending for public consumption.

    But the quotes should be useful. If nothing else, to prove that one can be a lifeydoodle without being religious. And to show how extreme PP and modern feminism has become.

    kishnevi (294553)

  217. passion for research of all kinds Mr. nk

    anything we can do to stave off the onset of this post-enlightenment era we’re careening into

    stave it off just a second or two longer

    for this i bend the knee for thee jon snow


    don’t get excited

    happyfeet (831175)

  218. *epoch*

    i shoulda said epoch

    happyfeet (831175)

  219. HF

    Any Proof? Do you have her on the phone telling her friends she lied? Do you have ANY PROOF?

    EPWJ (719942)

  220. but now i must go

    the gong hath rungeth at the temple of the sacred temple of the carbon dioxides

    the failmerican overlords said if I met my recycling quota i could play Rachel Carson in the pageant!

    i am the eye of the tiger dancing through the fire

    happyfeet (831175)

  221. temple of the

    my kingdom for a proofreader

    jesus effing god

    happyfeet (831175)

  222. As usual DRJ cuts to the chase and exposes happyfascist for the person it is. Disinterested in honest exchange.

    Why can’t you do that?

    it’s a choice
    happyfeet (831175) — 8/23/2015 @ 6:32 p

    Gazzer (feaf20)

  223. can anyone suggest a response we can do as a group which minimizes the negative effect the childish, libelous, infanticide defender has on this blog?

    His writing style is so purposefully (presumably and not inadvertently) like that of a school-aged kid, I find it impossible to take his posts seriously. But the fact many forumers want to respond to him indicates there really isn’t enough countervailing opinion in this particular thread.

    Mark (e187ae)

  224. happyfeet – and this for us, please …

    Are you aware of the word “feticide”, meaning chemical(s)/drug(s) which kill the fetus prior to its removal from the uterus ?

    Are you aware that Planned Parenthood does *not* use feticide when performing abortions ?

    This is a large part of why so many of us find what Planned Parenthood is doing to be despicable, execrable, and most likely criminal when they perform abortions on mothers where the fetus would most likely survive a C-section …

    Are *you* comfortable with such abortions, at such a late stage, being performed by Planned Parenthood, happyfeet ? Isn’t even *one* of such abortions too many ?

    Alastor (2e7f9f)

  225. it’s monday which isn’t a day i can yammer on and on about this propaganda stuff blah blah blah

    i have to be productive gotta keep my eye on the ball

    i need to get moving if i want a skinny latte on the train

    which i do

    happyfeet (831175)

  226. oh but yes yes feticide is the word i was looking for yesterday

    happyfeet (831175)

  227. I wonder why StemExpress hasn’t specifically disputed Holly’s story that she wasn’t told what she’d be doing – a fabrication according to happyfeet. You’d think they’d jump all over this total fabrication by her and reveal some details about how they train people, the training materials she was given etc. Buy this doesn’t strike him as curious.

    Gerald A (949d7d)

  228. Update, 8:15 p.m.: In response to follow-up questions from Jezebel, a StemExpress spokesperson said O’Donnell knew she was applying for a job as a “procurement technician,” applied for that specific job, worked there for four months as independent contractor, and has violated a confidentiality agreement by “stealing confidential documents” from StemExpress and giving them to the CMP. They also say she said in a resignation letter that she had to resign because she wasn’t making enough money:

    Ms. O’Donnell was a 1099 independent contractor, subject to written confidentiality restrictions and Code of Conduct agreements which she signed and which she has violated by stealing confidential documents from StemExpress and disclosing them to CMP. Contrary to her assertions, Ms. O’Donnell responded to and applied for a contract opening as a procurement technician. She was contracted only after interviewing for that specific position. Her other representations in the video are also false. Ms. O’Donnell’s resignation letter states she was thankful for the opportunities and experience she received from the company and expressed regret she was leaving. She further stated that due to financial difficulties and lack of opportunities for work with StemExpress, she must seek out other employment to provide herself more financial stability. In other words, she was not earning enough money as a StemExpress procurement technician. She worked for StemExpress from Dec. ’12 thru April ’13.

    happyfeet (831175)

  229. Always trust Jezebel content…

    Colonel Haiku (2601c0)

  230. not always but just this once is ok

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  231. feets, tell me again why you think Snowden is a hero?

    Steve57 (3b2e7d)

  232. Thanks anyway for introducing a new term into my life.

    The “Jezebell bombshell.”

    It’s amusing you’re trying to convince us that Holly O’Donnell answered an ad for a “procurement specialist and therefore should have known exactly, in detail, what the job entailed.

    What makes it so amusing is that the entire abortion industry is guarded by armies of euphemisms so nobody will ever be told what exactly is going on.

    So until you produce a job description that informed this chick she’d be ripping baby’s faces open, I’m inclined to believe her. Not because I know her or trust her. I just know the people she was working for. An lying is the coin of their f***ing realm.

    You and your pro-abortion friends can’t have it two ways, feets. You can’t obfuscate and euphemize about the fact you’re killing babies, and then turn around and say everybody should have been entirely clear about what you were up to.

    Steve57 (3b2e7d)

  233. PP apologized for the “tone” of some of the comments.


    Because PP employees spoke in clear, descriptive terms.

    That’s a no-no in the world of abortion.

    You must never speak in clear, descriptive terms. You must always obscure the truth.

    Do you have any evidence that Holly O’Donnell answered an ad that used clear, descriptive terms, feets?

    Snowden did. Tell me again why he’s your hero.

    Steve57 (3b2e7d)

  234. Snowden is a rapscallion he aims to misbehave

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  235. @236, we agree on something.

    I was early on to the side of the ledger that he was a traitor.

    That doesn’t mean he didn’t perform some service. It’s possible to do a bit of good while doing a great deal of bad.

    He’s still in Russia. This is not the kind of arrangement that just happens.

    Steve57 (3b2e7d)

  236. Do you have any evidence that Holly O’Donnell answered an ad that used clear, descriptive terms, feets?

    Steve57 (3b2e7d) — 8/25/2015 @ 10:43 am

    You mean everyone doesn’t know what a “procurement specialist” is? I’m sure if we research it we’ll find an unambiguous description of what the job entails in the StemExpress ad. Maybe happyfeet can do that for us.

    Gerald A (e1ec12)

  237. how is that even the point

    we’re supposed to believe that she had NO idea what she was doing

    that when she found out she fainted on the spot

    and then

    didn’t quit?

    just kept showing up for baby-slicing duty

    that’s psychotic

    and that’s team lifeydoodle’s star witness

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  238. how is that even the point

    happyfeet (a037ad) — 8/25/2015 @ 11:56 am

    Then what did you post that link for?

    Gerald A (e1ec12)

  239. omg you’re using logics on me

    i thought we were friends

    happyfeet (a037ad)

  240. 238. You mean everyone doesn’t know what a “procurement specialist” is? …

    Gerald A (e1ec12) — 8/25/2015 @ 11:50 am

    I’ll let you in on a secret.

    Generally, a biopsy leaves the patient alive.

    No, really!

    Steve57 (3b2e7d)

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